Helix Rolls into a Sleepover. The second book in the Helix series.

Here is a sneak peek at the cover and back of Helix Rolls into a Sleeepover. 

When Edward invites Helix to his house for a sleepover, Helix is very excited. But when Helix arrives at Edward’s house, he realizes his home is not wheelchair accessible. Helix is disappointed until his mom suggests inviting Edward over instead. Once back at Helix’s house, the two boys have a great time together. Edward learns a lot about how Helix navigates his world. The second book in a series about Helix, a tortoise without the use of his back legs who uses wheels to move around, “Helix Rolls into a Sleepover” is not just a fun story about friends having a sleepover. It is a story of overcoming roadblocks, finding solutions, and introduces readers to what living life with a physical challenge actually looks like! From his accessible van, to the lift in his bedroom, Helix shows his friend Edward exactly what his day-to-day life is. And Helix does all of this while demonstrating how their similarities outshine their differences. “Helix Rolls into a Sleepover” showcases life with an actual disability while teaching empathy, understanding, and encouraging friendship. It is not only educational, but delightfully fun! Every Helix book includes educational information about the real-life Helix and his other tortoise friends! “Helix Gets His Wheels” readers will be thrilled that the hidden stork carrying a tortoise is back on every page and this time, there is a new hide-and-seek character for them to find!

Age group 0-3rd grade.

This book does not launch until February 12th, 2020. Be the first to own it by January 24th, 2020, and read it before anyone else in the world.
