Tortstork, theTurtleRoom, HelixWheelsFoundation and Donations…OH MY!!

Tortstork and theTheTurtleRoom ran a 72 hour Helix Thon.  For every book sold off, Tortstork would donate $5 to theTurtleRoom.  24 books were sold in the 72 hour “Helix Thon,” and $120 was donated to tTR.  Helix Gets His Wheels is a great book to help children become interested in tortoises.  The last few pages of the book are character pages that introduces each character, what they look like in real like, and a few facts about that specific species. Tortstork also donated to Helix Wheels Foundation (  who’s mission is to help children in need of mobility (just like Helix needed mobility).  If you haven’t already picked up a copy, here is the link