Tag Archives: deformity

Meet Helix; The twisted deformed tortoise

Helix hatched on July 31st, 2019.  it was pretty deformed to the point where i thought i was going to have to euthanize it.  Though as the days passed, Helix was making “strides.”  He was scooting all over the incubator. I moved Helix to a growing container, like i do with all other hatchlings, and […]

UPDATE on Tortoise born with Intestines outside body

A cherryhead tortoise hatched on 5/28/19 with Gastroschisis, which is a growth defect of the plastron not closing correctly. to see inside this tortoise click this link. This little tortoise has been doing really well.  It is having  hard time moving around due to its intestines hanging out, though it seems to be healing nicely.  I […]